Castle Point Borough Council has granted us a 3/4 plot for Community use at the allotments on the London Road, between BP (Vic House Roundabout) and the Memorial Gardens, Hadleigh, Essex. In addition, we have acquired a further half plot as of 2023.
The Castle Point Community Allotment is open to all, inclusive, to sow and grow, to meet and chat, to sit and relax.
Visit us, volunteer, and take home allotment grown produce as it becomes available.
Enjoy being active, outdoors, and be part of a friendly community that all want to learn, share, or just be. Everyone is welcome, whether you are very active, or not so active. We find tasks for people to enjoy. We want you to enjoy our space and visit again.
We are open Thursdays and Sundays 11am to 1pm. Please keep a check as these times could change depending on weather or other circumstances.
You don't need to book, just turn up with suitable footwear and a mug for your tea/coffee (provided).
You will be asked to complete registration forms.