Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Absolutely everyone is welcome, please ensure you remain with them at all times as their responsible carer/adult/friend if required. If they would like to be involved we will find seated or relevant tasks so they can take part. Otherwise they can simply enjoy the community garden space.
Yes of course, please be ensure they are in your supervision at all times. Children under 18 must not enter the sheds or handle sharp tools due to safety.
There is currently no parking at the allotment site due to wet weather and excess mud. You can park at Morrisons or surrounds and will need to walk to us. Please note there is a new parking enforcement at Morrisons which means you can park for a maximum of 3 hours. If you go over you will get a fine of £60.
No, there are no facilities on the site. The BP garage allows us to use their toilet, or else Morrisons is available.
A mug if you'd like a hot drink, your own snacks, suitable footwear and clothing, sun cream. will take you to the gate entrance. will take you to the plot, No 1, immediately next to the BP garage.